Saturday, August 9, 2014

1st Anniversary

My Mom and Dad were married 67 years ago August 10, 1947.  While going through Mom's things yesterday, I found a letter my Dad had written to her on their first anniversary. He was finishing bookkeeping school in Birmingham and she was at home in Chandler Springs. I had read this letter many times throughout my life, but it was especially sweet to read yesterday. I am thankful to have had the wonderful example of a loving couple, who made it through the hard times together and always looked to God for their strength. Their lives are a great legacy which I will always treasure. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

She Flew Away

Psalm 90:10 and 12
"The days of our lives are 70 years and if by strength 80, their boast is only labor and sorrow, for soon we are cut off and we fly away. So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

My Mother was a wise woman. If there is one thing she taught me by her example was to find good in every situation.  So in her passing, I take comfort in this wisdom.

Mom was a woman of faith who lived a simple life facing many challenges (even on her last day) with grace and humility - giving thanks to God in the good and the bad and always with a joyful heart.

She loved her family and friends and treasured every card, every picture, every small act of kindness shown to her.  She loved watching her family grow up and embraced email, Facebook and Blogs to virtually watch when her visiting days were few. She loved sending and receiving cards - the "old fashioned" way of letting someone know you care.

She had a giving heart and always considered herself fortunate enough to share.  This is a legacy passed down from her mom and siblings and one she passed on to me.

She was a saver - every quarter, every dollar she could "stick back" she did.  Her favorite hiding place was behind the pictures of those she loved.  And it wasn't just money she saved - it was plastic bags, small containers, stamps, rocks and anything to do with sewing. She was sentimental and treasured even the smallest gift.

She was a crafter and an artist - clothing not only herself, but me, my dolls and many others.  The work of her hands creating a small coat from a grandmother's old one because times were hard and her young daughter needed to stay warm. My childhood memories are filled with fabric and thread and beautiful easter dresses and barbie doll clothes all created by through the whirr of her Singer. As an entrepreneur, she created custom handbags through which she financed her first trip to Alaska.  We made Christmas decorations, countless pans of chocolate fudge and even our own doughnuts made from "good 'ol biscuits in a can."

She loved music - music of all kinds - playing and singing from a very young age. Music was a way of life for her. She was an avid reader and had adapted to the new e-books which allowed her failing eyesight to continue her passion.

She faced every challenge, every adversity with a positive outlook. I never remember her being at odds with anyone except her husband and her teenage daughter - which never lasted very long.

She was very loving and forgiving.  She received her wayward daughter into her arms without being judgemental. She was truly a picture of God's unmerited favor and unfailing love.

She has taught me so many lessons and will continue to do so as I ponder her life with awe and amazement. She was an exceptional woman - beautiful and wise - and I will miss her dearly.

Eva Laverne Powers Cagle
12/3/1927 - 7/24/2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Squirrel hunting

Mom went squirrel hunting one time when she was about 16 or 17. It only took one shot to bag her first one. She brought it back to the store where Mr Brewer said "I only heard one shot". To which mom replied "I only needed one"  and she held up the squirrel. She felt so bad for killing the poor thing she never went hunting again. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fiddler's Convention

Mom and Archie Brewer were best friends growing up. She always thought of him as a brother. They sang together as often as they could. They went to a fiddlers convention in Millerville (about 1944).  The convention didn't have a classification for duets but they let them play anyway.  Archie played "Steel Guitar Rag" on the mandolin and it brought the house down. They were awarded a dollar each. They punched each other and laughed all the way home because they couldn't believe they received money! The next year mom received an invitation to come back and perform, but Archie was already in Germany in the war.