Sunday, August 25, 2013


Mom started to school at Chandler Springs School where she attending the 3 room school for First through the 6th Grade. When she started school, they went to Mr Langley's store to buy paper and pencils. Mr Langley gave her a little pair of scissors. She thought she was rich! (Mr. Langley's store was on the Ashland Hwy just before the turn to Clairmont Springs). For the 7th grade, the Chandler Springs kids were bussed to Millerville. A few weeks after she started 7th grade, her dad had his appendix out. He started thinking about how far it was to Millerville and wanted her to stay with Hop and Helen and Grace and Bill in Talladega and attend school there.  She would swap out who she stayed with, 3 nights with Grace and Bill, 2 with Hop and Helen, and vice versa and go home on the weekends.  Grace and Bill lived on the highway near Bemiston and Hop and Helen lived in Bemiston where they all worked in the cotton mills.  She rode the bus to school. The bus made 2 trips each morning and evening, taking only boys the first trip and only girls the second.  She returned to Millerville for the 8th grade and then went to Little Heflin for 9th and Clay County High for 10th through 12th.  She graduated in 1946.

Grace and Bill's house in Talladega.  left to right - Gail Camp, Laverne Powers (about 14 yrs), Dale Jacobs in front, Bill Camp and Lucille Jacobs.


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