Sunday, August 25, 2013

Swimming and Falling

Twice, when she was little, Mom almost drowned.  The first time was when she was about 2 years old and she was swimming with her siblings who were much older then her.  They had put her up on a rock and would tell her to jump into the water with them catching her. She climbed up on the rock and jumped but she didn't realize they were not watching her. Emma and Lucille got to her first.  They noticed her white hair floating when she was underwater and grabbed her as she went under.

The second time was before she started to school. Mom woke up from her nap and called for Mama.  No one answered.  She thought they might be at the spring, so she went to the creek and hollered for her.  Getting no answer, she proceeded across the creek on a foot bridge.  It had been raining and the creek was up.  She made it to the spring, but no one was there so she started back across the foot bridge. She got dizzy and fell in.  Momo and the kids heard her scream.  It was said that Hop jumped a 5 strand barbed wire fence to get to her.  He saw her floating down stream and told her to hold onto a bush on the edge of the water.  She grabbed and held until he could get to her.

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